Make Music Part of Your Back-to-School Shopping List

Connect with Your Teacher, Confirm your Fall Lesson Spot

Binders ✔

Pencils ✔

Music lesson ✔

When it comes to being ready for a great new year of school, music should be a top priority. We all know that regular music lessons provide an opportunity to learn a life-long skill as well as supporting reading, math, rhythm and more. Your commitment and investment in your child’s music education is one that will reward them for years to come.


Make Meridee Winters music School part of your School to-dos

As summer ends and falls comes near, be sure to connect with your MW Instructor to share your fall schedule of activities and make room for weekly or twice-weekly lessons.

New to our school? Our Backstage Office Team is ready to help you add music lessons to your plans this year and find a great teacher match for your student as well as a consistent lesson day and time that works well for your family. Call or connect via email now!