The Real Meridee Winters...
Meridee is a playful and adventurous educator with a love for music, psychology and creativity. Long before opening her own private music school or drafting her first book, Meridee was a classroom teacher advocating for creativity and a musician teaching studio vocalists how to use chords and patterns to compose.
Before that, however, she was a teenager struggling to learn to write music or find a music teacher who could explain songwriting. Years later, and working as a music producer, Meridee found that many professional artists also struggled to understand the basics of songwriting and accompanying themselves. Over time, she developed a “songwriting crash course” and a “chord crash course” for adults – but soon realized how empowering it would be for young music students to have these same tools.
Today, Meridee's passion has blossomed into an entire collection of books, games and materials designed to make learning music fun, creative and frustration-free. (Who else will teach you Pachelbel's Canon AND introduce you to the Baron Von Boring in the same book? Or create a music game that has you play a song… while standing on one foot?)
Meridee is a true believer in the power of play and creativity, and she strives to inspire these qualities in all of her students. She is determined to help others avoid the struggles she faced as a teenager, and to provide them with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in their musical endeavors. She believes the future would be brighter with more creativity and works on her books from a farm in Hawaii.