The 2022 Songwriters Showcase Awards are Announced!
Congratulations to ALL our songwriters on their courageous, creative and inspiring performances!
Whether you joined us in-person on a chilly February weekend or shared your song via a video submission this March, we are bursting with excitement to share these original pieces put together by this area’s best songwriters. Oh, and they are all under 18!! Can you believe it?
We are especially honored to be highlighting this year’s Award Winning songs featuring over 30 winners. Head over to to see all the brand-new hits and be on the lookout for these up and coming STARS.
want more?
Don’t worry, it’s coming!
Many of our songwriters continue their craft at our Year End Shows. Be sure to join us in June to hear favorites you know and love as well as original songs created by these talented teens, tweens and tots.
Check out our main Year End Show page to learn more and SAVE THE DATE!