Music Community Re-Unites!

Our Teachers are Working Together, In-Person To Plan Your Best Year Yet

Cosmic Pumpkin Jam in studio this September 2021

Cosmic Pumpkin Jam in studio this September 2021

September is Back-To-School for our teaching staff as well. We gather to share new ideas for music lessons, games and skills as well as prepare for our Halloween Shows in October.

This month we were thrilled to be meeting in-person again at our Ardmore Studio to write a Cosmic Pumpkin Jam and check out the newest Meridee Winters Method release from this summer. . . Easy Piano Songs for Kids.

Your teachers will be bringing you an invitation to explore songs from around the world and pick out a few of your favorites to master this fall.


In-Person Lessons are Back!

In-home lessons.png

Whether you invite your teacher into your home or come visit us at our studio space, we have a wonderful teacher to safely connect with your music student this fall. Reach out to start or re-start your child’s musical journey.

We are now enrolling students taking: