It’s Never Too Early to Think Halloween
Sure summer vacations are still rolling along and we’ve just started to tackle that back-to-school shopping list, but what we really want to think about is our costume!
Summer lessons have been brewing all sorts of ideas for performance pieces from classics to creatives and we are preparing a glowing online celebration this October.
Fall 2021 means we are preparing our annual Halloween Show! Teachers will be working with students to make videos to show off their hard work, and of course, their costumes. Our teachers know the best apps, tricks and tips to make these performances exciting and enhanced with captions, effects and more. Videos will be curated into online showcases based on level, genre, and other fun quirks. They can also be shared with family and friends near and far! Plus, all entrants featured in a showcase will be eligible for the costume contest!
Just a taste of our students’ magical performances.
Get ready for a magical, musical and customized online Halloween experience: a celebration of creativity, and a contest of costumes!
Be part of our Music Video Film Festival
Enter our Original Song Contest
Showcase your video on
and everyone who participates is entered in our Costume Contest!