Wishing You A Musical Holiday

Spread Some Holiday Cheer by Playing Out Loud for All to Hear!

Whether you are visiting our studios for a holiday performance, sharing a music video gift with friends or gathering around the fireplace for an in-home holiday concert. . . this is truly the very best season to share your music.

Our students creativity shines bright during these long winter days and you can capture it with holiday performances. Check out what our special songwriters and musical melody makers have been up to lately. https://www.facebook.com/MerideeWintersMusic

Getting in on the fun is as easy as planning a song with your teacher, preparing your presentation and picking someone special to share it with.

[Our son] has loved having the chance to “perform” at the Meridee Winters virtual concerts...we are so grateful that they found a way to continue these musical milestones during social distancing. We are entering our third year of lessons are very happy to recommend Meridee Winters School of Music.
— ~ Sarah B. In-Home and Online Parent

Calling all songwriters!

Get your pencils sharpened. The 2022 Songwriters Showcase happens this February. Musicians can be crafting their pieces over winter break Dec 24th through Jan 1st and teachers will be submitting our potential performers in January. Stay tuned for more details!